Contractors, Suppliers and 供应商
Inter-Affiliate Codes Training 常见问题
在签约当天,您应该收到Workday的电子邮件,其中包含您的LMS链接和登录凭据. 您的领导也会收到来自Workday的自动通知,通知他们登录信息已经发送. If you need this to be re-sent, please log a ticket with our Service Desk.
1-888-546-3484 (加拿大/美国)
+525511002991 (墨西哥)
If leaving a message, 请注明合规培训需要证书,并留下有效的电子邮件地址和电话号码.
We recommend saving the Workday link as a favourite, as the main access point to Workday, 并且每次都需要输入用户名和密码才能登录.
If you have any additional learning inquiries, please email
Why are Contractors required to complete Inter-Affiliate Codes training?
根据《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》,就业类别之间没有区别, therefore all active Company Personnel and Contractors, are required to complete this training.
How many days do I have to complete the Inter-Affiliate Codes training?
我最近才完成了Inter-Affiliate Codes培训,为什么又要分配给我呢?
每年修订和部署会员间守则培训,以满足法规要求. Depending on an individual’s start date, sometimes training will need to be completed more than once in a year, such as within 30 days of the start date/re-activation 和 again during the annual roll-out.
如果用户在第一天上班时尝试打开课程,就会发生此错误. 课程托管在外部服务器上,用户数据馈送有一天(24小时)延迟. 请等待并在第二天启动此课程,问题应该在您工作的第二天解决.
To have the course automatically open, 请确保您已在互联网浏览器设置中关闭弹出窗口拦截器.
The Knowledge Check 瓷砖 will not unlock.
解锁 知识检查 瓷砖, all other prior 瓷砖s must be completed. Once you have completed the 知识检查 瓷砖, don’t forget to also complete the 认证 瓷砖 in order to receive completion credit for the course.
The 认证 瓷砖 will not unlock.
解锁 认证 瓷砖, all other 瓷砖s must be marked as “Complete”. 如果您确认培训中所有的贴片都标有“完成”,并且 认证 瓷砖 is still locked, please close out of the course and log back in. Don’t worry, your progress will be bookmarked.
我已经完成了Inter-Affiliate Codes课程,但是在系统中没有显示为“完成”. 我该怎么办??
请确保你已经完成了培训中的所有内容,包括 认证 瓷砖. 如果 认证 瓷砖被标记为“完成”,系统不注册完成, please close out of the course and log back in. Don’t worry, your progress will be bookmarked.
My question was not included on this list. Who can I contact for additional support?
1-888-546-3484 (加拿大/ U.S.)
+525511002991 (墨西哥)